“For all makers and dreamers. For all dreamers who make.”

PRESENT is a magazine about making and self-reflection. It’s about concentrating vs. letting go, and exploring the bliss and struggle of creating. We speak to makers around the world about their path and philosophies in order to demystify the creative process. This is a space for honest conversations about discipline, fear, career paths and confidence.

We believe that our journey reveals who we really are—perhaps even more so than our chosen destination. Sharing that rocky, unromanticized process with others is bold, and has the power to inspire and encourage. Because no matter our backgrounds, we all face similar challenges when we create something new in this world.

PRESENT is for all makers and dreamers. For all dreamers who make. For anyone creating something and challenging themselves on purpose. We share ways of overcoming procrastination and self-doubts that might hold us back from being truly present and tackle our favorite unrealized project.


What are the most effective and fun methodologies for  PHYSICAL  and  MENTAL  fitness?

We are exploring tools and tactics to keep a  CLEAR HEAD.

Examining the challenges and benefits of meditation and  BEING PRESENT, and how to get there. (And why it's worth trying.)


The  PSYCHOLOGY  of how to get our most important work done — despite the beautiful mess around us.

Why  prioritization  is key and ‘being busy’ often a form of laziness.

A journey into the  RITUALS, habits, strategies of professional humans of all kind.


WHY  are we actually doing what we are doing? How can we  CREATE new  ideas today's world?

How do we  FILTER  these days? And how to deal better with the overload of information and options around us?

An ode on the importance of  REFLECTION  and the cultivation of brutally honest  SELF-AWARENESS .


This is a supportive platform to PRESENT  the work and lives of creative talent around the world.

What  MOVES  us to do our best? And what helps us if we are getting lost on the way?

Architect, accountant, actress or athlete — together we explore the struggles, the bliss, lessons, and motivations of EVERY SOUL .

A Supportive Network
Present is both a publication and a continuous discourse on creating, chasing and actualizing our dreams. In this increasingly individualistic era, we see Present as a platform for social engagement – a place where we can share solutions to the problems faced by all of us, whatever we make or create.

This project is operating on the intersection of work psychology, mindfulness, creativity, fashion, self-empowerment and culture.

We run a thriving online Community Space, where members share ideas, inspiration, worries and wins but also organize or participate in exclusive events, where invited guests or Present People give courses and lectures to other members.

The goal is to expand these activities to more online and future IRL events: workshops, talks, lectures, conferences, festivals.

We continue on our path to make our community and readers a vital part of this project and the magazine.
present community screenshot
“Real generosity towards the future   lies in giving all to the present.” —Albert Camus
What makes this project special?

Self-battles on glossy magazine spreads

We publish the struggles, successes and battles proudly, with outstanding editorial design and fresh photography, confidently pushing everyone who is making towards execution and delivery. This is hi-definition self-help. Our aim is to make being present more interesting. Visually and intellectually.


This magazine is its own example of an unrealized project that came true. Therefore, the making of the magazine, the victories and challenges we face, are shared with the readers. A making-of voice is hidden in the spine of each page and we feed a daily online public tracker with process of the project. We believe that sharing is the best form of support.


Present is both a publication and a continuous discourse on creating, chasing and actualizing our dreams. In this increasingly individualistic era, we see Present as platform for social engagement – a place where we can share solutions to the problems faced by all of us, whatever we make or create. This project is operating on the intersection of work psychology, mindfulness, creativity, fashion, self-help and culture.

A Global Community
We have makers of all ages and professions in our community. From woodworkers to teachers, from fashion to finance. United in making and bonded through learning and growing together. We share struggles and hopes, talk about self-discipline, productivity, rituals, fitness, finances, and everything that’s helpful, inspiring and motivating for our journeys.
a global community
A Platform for Collaboration
We regularly partner with brands and Present People from different backgrounds and professions to create long-lasting objects allowing us to dive into different industries and share our learnings through documentation and behind-the-scenes in the magazine and online.
present products
Hugo’s Background

I started getting deeper into the psychology of work, the creative process and the power of habits while I was still studying — and on the edge of  burning out . I always had big ambitions with a hundred projects and interests at once.

How can we  balance it all  without driving ourselves crazy? How can we live life to the fullest — and at the same time be present to do our best work — despite the turbulent times and a million distractions around us? This question drives me.

The challenges and tragedies in my own life helped me grow. I’m not a guru or an expert, but what I’ve learned in my life so far I want to share. I’m just grateful, want to make positivity louder and  build things.

My journey to become better in my craft as a designer took me around the globe and I was lucky to meet many fascinating characters who became  friends and mentors  along the way. I want to build on those relationships.

So now — next to running my independent design studio — I aim to build this platform and community to collaborate with great people, and to explore together these topics and many more.

present timeline
Founder, Creative Director, Designer, and Editor
Hugo Hoppmann
Art Director, Designer, and Editor:
Sarah Discours


Self-Battles on glossy magazine spreads and beyond.

We present the struggles, successes and battles proudly, with outstanding editorial design and fresh photography, confidently pushing everyone who is making towards execution and delivery.

This is hi-definition self-empowerment. Our aim is to make being present more interesting. Visually and intellectually